Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Kids are great. They always seem full of energy and fun. The reality of the world has no weight in their world. Yet also within them is a spirit that can at times be so very stubborn. I found out this reality when I went to photograph these lovely to children. They seemed to do what they wanted for most of the shoot. The young boy
seemed to love to play and pose for me. Although not alway how I wanted, but still I could work with it. The young girl however had decided that the camera was not something that she wanted to smile for. She would go and play and smile but the minute that I placed that camera in her line of sight the smile faded to be replaced with a
stern face. I couldn't help but laugh at how hard she must be trying to not smile for me. It was quite amazing how fast that face could change. I was glad however that it didn't make her cry.

I was afraid at the time that I wouldn't be able to get any good pictures from the girl because she wasn't cooperating.
I wanted her to smile and be all good for the picture. But a good friend of mine said that it is better to capture the emotions of the day then to try to get a forced smile. Well that is what I feel like I captured. A defiant spirit to the end. Also with the boy he was great and if I showed him a pose he seemed
to imitate it quite well. At least for a few minutes then he would be off playing in the dirt.

It seems that each age group and each individual seems to present itself with new challenges. I find that the more I explore photography the less I really know. I can only hope that through time
I will be able to truly capture life how I see it. So I will leave you with a great quote from a great photographer.

"A great photograph is a full expression of what one feels about what is being photographed in the deepest sense, and is, a true expression of what one feels about life in its entirety." - Ansel Adams

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